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Selasa, 09 Maret 2021

Mulawarman Museum, When the Palace Opens itself as a Gate to Civilization

Mulawarman Museum is an attempt to pass down the great civilizations of the past, to this generation. The Mulawarman Museum can perform that function perfectly, because it itself is the key to civilization at that time, namely the palace of the Kutai Sultanate.

History of the Mulawarman Museum

The Mulawarman Museum is a palace building that is a historical heritage of the Kutai Kartanegara kings. The museum which was previously the building of the Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate was founded in 1932 by the Dutch Government. Who then handed over the Palace to Sultan Adji Muhammad Parikesit in 1935.

This museum building functioned as the King's palace ended around November 25, 1971. At that time Sultan Parikesit handed over this palace to the local government. Then by the local government submitted to the national government on February 18, 1976. By the national government then managed to become a cultural heritage tourist destination.

As for the current residence of the Sultan, Balai Kedaton has been built. The Kedaton hall is now the residence of Sultan Aji Muhammad Salehuddin II who was crowned King of Kutai in 2002

Location of the Mulawarman Museum

The Mulawarman Museum is located in Tenggarong City, the capital of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

The museum is located on the bank of the Mahakam river, 33 km from the capital city of East Kalimantan, Banjarmasin.

Mulawarman Museum Opening Hours

The Mulawarman Museum is open to visitors every day except Friday. The museum opens at 09.00 and closes at 15.00.

Mulawarman Museum Tickets

To visit one of the most comprehensive museums in Indonesia, visitors are charged an entrance fee according to age. Adult visitors are charged Rp. 2,500. Meanwhile, children visitors are charged Rp. 1,000.

Ticket fees do not include parking fees, which must be paid separately to the vehicle parking attendants.


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