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Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Papeda. Papua peaceful

Papua is covered with loads emang sago. Hence, the typical food Papua sago. . Well, its an important food sago. Sago can be processed so many kinds of food, one Papeda. Is Papeda it?

Yes the food is made ​​from sago.

So, Papeda was made of sago mixed with hot water, stirring until the water is pretty, just not be stopped, because if ngaduknya stop, sagunya so hard. The result was later sagunya be shaped glue, not too soft and not too hard. In Papua, papeda it a staple. If it's like rice in Java so lah.

Ease Papeda this when mixed together fish sauce, yellow (I swear, I do not understand it's really his name). Taste, feel-good kinda pedes gimanaaa so. In addition, for the love of vegetables, vegetable can be eaten together.

Well, to my knowledge, it is not just food papeda typical aja Papua, Eastern Indonesia also have many papeda. But unique in Papua, Papeda not only just the food, but also stands for, which is "Full of Peace Papua.

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