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Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Dayak Rituals Muang Rabokng

As an air-indigenous communities and upholding and respecting traditional values ​​inherent in the life of the Dayak community, especially the Dayak community in Subarang Badameo Garantungk Sakawongk Nyarumkop. One form of concrete rather than existence is still believed to be indigenous is to ask the ancestors to be an activity that will be carried out which involves a lot of people with a common goal can be run as expectations are packaged in the form of traditional ceremonies / rituals.

The customary rituals performed on Saturday August 27, 2011 Date of yesterday is Sambayang Muag Rabok / Rasi conducted by the Society Subarang Kel.Nyarumkop held at Rice Governmental Printing Area 100 ha in Pai'o which was chaired by the Chairman of GPM Marsianus Kodim (Community Care Movement) Singkawang and Chairman of Farmers Group Kamaruk printing my work on the Governmental Rice. Ritual Muang Rabok / Rasi held at 09.00 am marked by the installation of jars and bowls in place ritual performed, Panyangohot'nt Ritual was conducted by Tasman Sinor as customs officials in Subarang / Nyarumkop.

The purpose of the ritual Muang Rabok / constellation is that land that has been done (slash / cut) by the public can be properly processed in accordance with their needs, and plead with the ancestors who inhabit the forest around can help people to avoid processing the things that are not desirable so that subsequent processing can run smoothly. otherwise it is intended that the ritual when about to land in tunu can be well controlled so that the fire does not spread anywhere that can lead to unwanted risks.

Customary costs imposed on ritual Muang Rabok / Rasi is equal to 3 half-Tail in the form of goods, namely: 1 pc male loggerhead and bowl, 1 rooster tail sebarat approximately 1 kg, 5 kg rice, 3 kg of rice sticky rice, cooking oil 1 kg , brown sugar, 1 kg, 3 kg of rice flour, rice flour 1 kg of sticky rice, cook Sampok 15,000, Kase Anggir 10,000 and Antok / Sampok Rp.75.000 Buis.
Rituals were held in conjunction with the work schedule of the day, attended by all the members of my Kamaruk Farmer enthusiastic to complete the ritual.

Once the ritual is complete approximately 2 hours of preparation to nyangohot'nt, then members of farmer groups Kamaruk I started back to work.

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