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Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Sensation Sago Worm

Papua not only had sago or papeda. Papua also has a unique super food that's brilliant. His name sago worm. Jeng jeng jeng. Can not imagine the shape? Yes like caterpillars. Tau's caterpillar, the usual course of ngglesor-ngglesor (what try Indonesian language?). Well, the color of the caterpillar's head, while black and white body. Her body was slightly overweight, "ginuk-ginuk" that the word of the Javanese. Ha ha ha.

Why is this worm called sago worm? The answer is simple really, because there in the sago trees. (Melepasmu, if the durian tree, a caterpillar called durian. IQ?)

It nih bentukannya the sago worm.

It was?

Supple in body, crisp on the head. But I swear, SO GOOD!!!! Bener really saying goes dont judge a book by its cover, do not judge a food by its look. I wrote three meals (because limited, and should be divided 20 people, but since not all want to eat, so they've allotted me abisin) * alibi *. Ha ha ha.

Well, the sago worm is known for its rich protein really loh. How to eat sago worm, it could be eaten raw. Or if it feels strange fear, could continue salted boiled first. There are also issues to be tuh cuisine, made ​​of vegetables. To be sure of any way to cook it, taste sago worm is awful.

But, it is not recommended for my friends that it is possible to develop allergies. After all that time, there was a friend who abis eating sago worms, even coughing. Also not recommended for my friends who's disgusted and do not like to accept the challenge. Because if not used, already wealthy fear factor really. Ha ha ha. * Animashaun, OK *.

And also to know how it feels, it depends on each person's taste though. Those who would like (like me) still nice meals aja. It was unique. But if you do not like it and feel disgust first, yes already not good wrote. Sort of like that suggestion, disgusted mean really bad.

Okay, make a wish / were / are going to Papua. Congratulations to challenge yourself to try the sago worm sensation is not it?

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