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Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Dondai charm, Sentani charm

Dondai is a village located in other parts of Sentani. The trip to the village Dondai can be reached from the village of Old Doyo motor boat ride. Not very far anyway. Approximately one hour's. Well, the way this is oath-okay-really-so-that-the-Sentani-ye-shall-really-into-dondai!!!!

We also split the Sentani lake boat ride so. Hair fluttering, if the wear hijab, the head scarf fluttering yes. Bulging eyes, gaping mouth, was so impressed by the same scenery around. Not forgetting jeprat-snap in some placeswhile tetep gaping hell. Abis cool, it lo. Ciamik tenin!!!

Even time-deket deket Dondai, the departure in the afternoon we tuh yes, well we were welcomed at almost-sunset are no less okay. Why almost sunset? Because the sun was really sinking yet.

After a tired-wow ria berwow not clear on that boat, we came to the dock Dondai. The houses in this Dondai a stagy.

Well, we want sowan Dondai home ondo avi. Avi Ondo's designation of the chief in Sentani (or Papua as a whole, yes?, Maybe another of my friends who have been to Papua else can answer). Continue on this Dondai apparently had no electricity lo. There, it's only from 6-9 hours, then yes just rely on sunlight during the day or dark-dark at night. Culture kentel still drunk, so rather ati-ati wrote that here in the evening.

After enjoying Dondai, we also split the Sentani again. Armed with an evening trip lights, make a sign that there is a boat like that. We do not own, scattered beautiful sparkling star in the sky. But unfortunately, the limitations of the technology that I have so I can perpetuate. Only the eyes and memory are working at that time. Record each piece of the star, trying to read the constellations, and do not know it rasinya deh hell (dissimulation really not? Ha ha ha). But definitely my Dondai very pleasant experience. Full of surprises! Well, weve Papua warehouse is not a surprise is it?


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