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Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Renggong horse, dancing horse when Ronggeng

Maybe we are familiar from abroad watch the circus that uses animals as the main star. But you know in Indonesia action "circus" is the traditional use of animals there are already more than 100 years ago?. Precisely in the city of Sumedang, West Java, we can see the horse - a horse trained to dance and even martial arts compete with traditional musical accompaniment like a circus show. The show was known for its arts Renggong horse.

Art is already known since the 1880's in the village Cikurubuk, Fruit District Two, District Sumedang. Formerly known as the art is a means Igel horse horse dancing, but now art is better known as a horse Renggong. The word Renggong a metathesis from the word "dancer" is kamonesan or dancing skills to the music.

The history of art is inseparable from character named Sipan are trying to train his horses, named the Cengek and the Dengkek to follow the movement wants. After a few months of training he managed to train the horse to be able to "dance" accompanied by music.

Its success was later discovered by Prince Aria Atmadja Surya, who was serving as regent Sumedang. The Regents then ordered Sipan to train horses imported directly from the island of Sumbawa. From there then art is increasingly recognized and developed not only in Sumedang, but then developed also in the surrounding area.

Art is usually played at the circumcision of children. Children who have to wear makeup or wear traditional Sundanese wayang placed to the horse Renggong which is also decorated with various accessories colors - iridescent. Then, to the accompaniment of horses Renggong tetabuhan sunda troupe perform procession around the village.

In the group in addition to the horse and rider is usually composed of the trigger (group leader), some players waditra (tetabuhan), singers, some of fighter and enlivened also by members of the community who come to dance together. In the procession, usually the fighter in action with horses Renggong presents an attractive movements such as the movement of "fight" between horse with fighters.

In the development of not only horses Renggong circumcisions performed in the show, now the arts that has become typical of Sumedang is also commonly performed in a grand welcoming ceremony guests, Independence Day parades and other events.

To preserve this art Sumedang local festival held annually Renggong horse. Renggong horse festival was attended by dozens of arts groups from all corners of Sumedang even from outside Sumedang. With the implementation of this festival is expected to increase the quality of Renggong horse show, both in terms of creative dance moves, waditra, accessories used, compactness and so on so that art has become one of the tourist icons of West Java is increasingly growing.

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