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Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Natural Exotica Biroro Waterfall

The waterfall is located in the village Biroro Biroro Bontolerung village, District High Muzzle, Gowa regency. The distance is about 2 KM from the town of Malino. The road to this area is quite difficult because of the many access roads rise and fall and road conditions are perforated so should be careful if you drive up to this place.

Waterfalls distance from the access road about 200 meters. We have to walk to get to the waterfall. On the way we will be served by a vast expanse of rice fields terraced. Panorama, the place is really beautiful. After that we are going down the path and past rocky bamboo bridge. Around this area grow tall lush bamboo with a large enough size.

Arriving at the site falls Biroro, we instantly pampered with waterfall views Biroro. This waterfall still looks so beautiful with the surrounding expanse of stone. Still clearly visible green atmosphere around it. There is no development in the area of ​​the falls but the waterfall is what makes this look so exotic. This waterfall is not popular when compared with Takappala waterfall not far from this location as well.

Biroro waterfall has a height of about 10 meters. For the newcomers, are expected to remain cautious if you want to swim in the waterfall is because according to information of the citizens, that right under the waterfall, there are ponds Biroro it reaches 8 meters.

It was great to visit this place. And for the adventurous who want to enjoy the natural waterfalls and away crowds, waterfalls Biroro is apt to be selected.

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