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Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Know Paser Tourism District in East Kalimantan

Paser District is a district in the province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The capital of the district is located in the Land Grogot.
Paser District is the region of East Kalimantan province, located at the south, exactly at the position 00 45'18, 37 "- 20 27'20, 82" LS and 1150 36'14, 5 "-1660 57'35, 03" BT. Paser District lies at an altitude ranging between 0-500 meters above sea level.

Attractions that you can go to your:
The potential of tourism in the district Paser worthy enough to be developed as a pillar of the local economy. In fact, both natural attractions and historical attractions. Some of the attractions in the District Paser include:

Hot Water Ponds (Danum Layong) on Long time
Goa Jurong Long time
Tiwei Falls in Long Ikis
Waterfall Gerigu Samuntai village, Long Ikis
Stone Waterfall village Badinding Rangan, Kuaro
Waterfall Doyam Seriam Modang village, Kuaro
Waterfall Doyam Lempesu Turu village, Sand Belengkong
Falls in Overseas Overseas Blind Blind
Waterfall at Stone Mountain Rambutan Sopang
Goa Batu Alam Loyang Sopang
Goa Skull Kasungai village, Batu Sopang
Liang / Goa Losan in Muara Komam
Liang Mangkulangit in Muara Komam
Sand beach at Cape of Good Hope
Stone Island Ship Cape of Good Hope
Kandilo Plaza, a shopping center in the country Grogot
Sari Agro Tourism Poster Pengrapat Padang village, Land Grogot
Lati Petangis Forest Park, Stone Engau
Natural Park in the Land of Amber Grogot
Rigari in Land Park Grogot
Museum Sadurangas in Sand Balengkong
Stone Indra Giri
Portuguese cannon
Complex tombs of the kings of the Sultanate Paser

Here are a few places that I will discuss.


This tourist attraction is located in the village of Padang Pengrapat is about 9 km from
Land Grogot. What object can be reached by using a vehicle wheel
four or two wheels. In the area of ​​agro-tourism can be found a variety of tree
fruits like rambutan, citrus, durian and salak. The location is also equipped with supporting facilities such as gazebo, mushalla, toilets and entertainment stage. Usually this place held primarily music performances
on weekends.


Parks Rigari
Tourism Park is located at Jalan Poros Rigari Pondong. The park is equipped with a
resting place (gazebo) and stage entertainment. A base
hedge brought large trees provide separate service for
the visitors. The park is also equipped with a pool that can be assigned to play Bike Air.


Sadurangas Museum is a former imperial palace Paser. The building is shaped
house on stilts with typical patterned carvings tendrils Arabic calligraphy. Various collections of ancient objects we can see in this place, including: Al-Qur?'s Old handwritten; Tempayang yuan dynasty relics of ancient urns, household tools, art tools and clothing sultan darts. In the museum, there is also a hunchback whale skeleton with a length of about 15 meters found Selengot villagers. Besides the museum there is an old mosque named Nurul worship. Both buildings
heritage including cultural heritage objects. Museum Sadurengas


Not far from the Museum Sadurangas, can be found Stone Indra Giri and some Portuguese cannons. Indra Giri stone is a stone that was brought by the expedition spread of Islam from the kingdom of Demak named Abu Mansour Indra Jaya. Around Stone Indra Giri Portuguese cannon can also be found which is most of the relics of the Kings in the ancient times.


The waterfall is located in the village of Turu Doyam Lempesu about 27 km from the capital of the Land Grogot. This location can be reached by four wheel drive or two wheel. Various supporting facilities which can enambah comfort of visitors are at this location, as the vast parking lots, toilets, canteen and some resting place. Not far from the waterfall Doyam Turu also include Goa with a wide porch shape called? Batulis?. This cave is inhabited by thousands of bats.


Area attractions Pondong located about 15 Km from the Land Grogot. At this location visitors can see the beautiful panorama of the sea and fishing erkampungan. This area will ikembangkan a culinary tourism area. Some temporary facilities constructed at this location include Floating Restaurant, which is equipped with a floating lodge meeting place. The visitors who want to enjoy the panoramic beauty of the sea can rent a boat provided local asyarakat.
Lokasi: East Borneo, Indonesia

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