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Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

The City of Sam Poo

One of the most important port in colonial times, it was still alluring in charm traces the story of the past. Remains a very influential port city in the archipelago, the capital of Central Java province is now known sebagal Chinese community center in Indonesia. This Semarang. When asked about the origin of the name of an area of ​​373.67 km2 urban area, you will get two 'versions' are very different, depending on who you ask. The native Javanese tamarind tree tells of alloy and carbon that form the word 'Semarang'. While Chinese people will tells of an admiral from mainland China who came to this city, Admiral Chen Ho.
That said, the admiral gave it the name 'Sam Poo Lang', which means the city of Sam Sam Poo Poo or city. Which version pernab not really matter. Variety of unique differences in this beautiful city became even more unique charm.

History of the town of Red
Semarang history actually began in the 9th century. The area that was named Bergota then became a residential area where established an Islamic boarding school by an Arab descent, Kyai Pandan Arang, at the end of the 15th century. After consulting with the Sunan Kalijaga. Display kingdom which was led by Sultan Hadiwijaya, Pandan Arang Kyai crowned as the regent is dated May 2, 1547. So politically and culturally, even this day is celebrated as the anniversary of the city of Semarang.
Time passed, in 1678 the city was handed over to the Dutch East-India Company (VOC) as payment for debts Sunan Amangkurat II. But only in Semarang in 1705 officially falls under Dutch rule, when His Majesty Pakubuwono I provide extensive trading rights on the VOC to clear the debts of the kingdom of Mataram. Since then, VOC build this area and make it one of the essential trading center and vibrant during the colonial period.

But in the era of the 1920s, Semarang get another title, 'Red City'. Reputation is gained, for some reason, Semarang be the center of the nationalist and leftist controversial. Reputation is increasingly closely with the founding of the Communist Party of Indonesia in the city. It was only after the outbreak of the events G30S PKI, this predicate gradually eroded. Semarang went back shape and ready to present the facts long history as a tourist attraction.
From Outstadt To Chinatown
A trip to Semarang in this modern era like stepping inside the capsule that brought myself sucked into the time stream past. Older buildings are lined up along the haughty now famous by the name of Old Town (Outstadt), providing an atmosphere typical of the Dutch colonial era. Buildings colonial architecture, such as the Church Blenduk on Jl. Jend. Suprapto, building PT. Plantation XV Persero in JI. MPU Tantular and Post Office building located not far from the bridge Berok is witness of the tragedy and triumph of this city.
At merchants who inhabit the small kiosks along the canal, both on the left side right manpun Berok Bridge, also offers a unique view that as 'imported' from the past. From a masseuse Lesbian, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, snack shop and coffee shop, to stall reload phone cards, all can be found here. Not far from the Old Town, an area can also visit other historical. Semarang's Chinatown neighborhood across Jl. KH. Wahid Hashim and branch out to the alleys, as Gg. Edge, Gg. Stalls and Gg. Lombok, festive set is like a martial arts movie. Some pagoda poking among Chinese food shops that smelled fragrant, inviting taste.
Affairs of food is also one of the advantages of Semarang. Not limited to just Chinese food, any style food here. One center is the Simpang Lima area. Heart full of shopping centers, office buildings and luxury hotels are hawker centers that never deserted from morning to night! Even on weekends, from Saturday night until Sunday morning. all the way around Simpang Lima area was closed and turned into 'market shock' that sells everything. You name it! All there is, even rare plants with prices skewed. Includes attractions dances and other entertainment.
The Legendary Lawang Sewu

Simpang Lima is also the location of the establishment of two magnificent buildings. Lawang Sewu legendary Baiturrahman Mosque which is located on the west side of the square. These buildings are now the target of the lovers of architectural, art and photography. Sewu Lawang itself, which unfortunately is now more famous as the place guts test event because it supposedly inhabited by the ghosts of buildings past. actually the beginning of the establishment of the railway industry in Indonesia. Although VOC placing central government in Jakarta, railway construction actually begins from Semarang, the first service route from Semarang to the Official Corporate public passenger transport on July 19, 1868.
The line was later extended to be able to serve passengers until Jogjakarta. Two architects, Prof. Jacob K. Klinkhamer and B.J. Oudang, appointed to build the Dutch railway company offices named NV Nederlandsch Indische SpoorwegMastshuppij (NIS), and star anise Sewu stood until now.
Lawang Sewu also has historical value freedom struggle. On 14 until August 19, 1945, dozens of young fighters who are members of the Young Railway (Amka) died in battle against the Dutch. Five of which were then buried in the yard Lawang Sewu. Bloody events known as the 'battle of five days' is then commemorated by the establishment of Tugu Muda in the Simpang Lima.
Pilgrimage Tour the Meriah
In addition to the historic buildings, community centers, religious services China Semarang also serves a unique story. The most famous and frequently associated with the name of the city of Semarang is Klenteng Sam Poo Kong in the Stone Building. This is one of Indonesia's oldest religious complex that became a symbol of the existence and preservation of Chinese heritage vibrant Semarang. Each year, the complex has now been renovated and added several new buildings to facilitate the management, a warning venue Admiral Chen Ho arrival in the land of Java. In fact, the celebration of 600 years of the arrival of the admiral last year, held in the magnificent colossal theme. Starting with a prayer together, the event was also enlivened by art Barongsay, Liong-Samsi, various art performances, party lanterns and fireworks, and the bazaar. A noble heritage vang should be maintained and preserved throughout the period.
Now, a new building has helped to enliven the list of destinations of pilgrimage in Semarang. Stands majestically on a hill, on the edge of the main road in the direction of Ungaran. Avalokitesvara Pagoda, also known as the Pagoda Metta Karuna means loving kindness, recently inaugurated by the Governor of Central Java, Mardiyanto.
Pagoda consists of 7 levels is a 'residence' of about 30 idol beautiful and very charming. A giant statue of the cavity inhabit towering center, surrounded by mountains of fruits and flowers as offerings. Truly unique! Pagoda as high as 45 m even this is now the city's newest landmark that more and more charming. This Semarang.
Lokasi: Semarang, Indonesia

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