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Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Beauty of Lake Kelimutu

Kelimutu National Park is the smallest national park of six National Parks in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. However, his size is not so important when you see the natural beauty of this national park has to offer. Here there are three lakes located on top of Mount Kelimutu, three lakes have the same name and popularly known as the Lake Kelimutu. Each lake has colors and their meanings. The three lakes are believed to be the abode of spirits and also believed to have a very powerful force of nature.

Kelimutu dipopularkan a Dutch citizen named Van Such Telen in 1915. Its beauty is more widely known after Y. Bouman depicts the beauty of the lake and discoloration in his great 1929.

To reach the lake, you can start from Moni, a small town which is the backpacker.Pemandangan beautiful basecamp along the road to the location of the lake is very beautiful. Most western lake named Tiwu Ata Mbupu meaning 'lake souls of parents who have died'. The lake is located in the middle of a lake called Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu or 'lake untukjiwa-life youth who had died'. The most eastern lakes called Tiwu Ata Polo or 'lake for souls untukorang always a crime'. Third color lake is always changing.

There are other lakes in the world that can change color as the Blue Lake at Mount Gambier, South Australia, the color changes to blue-gray color and can also diprediksi.Ada Yudamari lake on Mount Nakade, Japan, which changes color from turquoise a water color hijau.Perubahan Kelimutu unpredictable. Sometimes, the color can be blue, green and black, and other times can be white, red and blue, and some time ago a dark brown color.

Scientifically discoloration Kelimutu is a factor of mineral deposits, moss and rocks in the crater and also the influence of sunlight. Scientists believe that the lake was formed from volcano eruptions in ancient times. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of geologists because of the existence of the lake which has three different colors, but in this same mountain. Local communities in Moni, convinced that the people who live around the lake have done evil and death.

Kelimutu Lake is part of the National Park Kelimutu. The highest point of the park is located at 5.679 feet Kelibara mountain (1.731 meters) and Mount Kelimutu feet or as high as 5.544 (1.690 meters). Kelimutu National Park is home to around 19 species of endangered birds such as pigeon flores (Treron floris), Wallacea owl (Otus silvicola), jungle-swinging sweep (Rhinomyias oscillans), kancilan Flores (Pachycephala nudigula), junk dwarf (Pericrocotus lansbergei ), tesia Timor (Tesia everetti), opior crested (Lophozosterops dohertyi), opior half thick (Heleia crassirostris), chili gold (Dicaeum Annae), kehicap flores (Monarcha sacerdotum), honey bird Matari (Nectarinia solaris), and eagle Flores ( Spizaetus floris).

Here also can be found mountain rat (Bunomys naso), banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), deer (Muntiacus muntjak nainggolani), mongoose (Pardofelis marmorata), pangolin (Manis javanica), porcupine (Hystrix brachyura brachyura), and deer (Tragulus javanicus javanicus ).

Local people believe that the lake is where the souls of the dead rest. Kelimutu area surrounded by forests that covered a variety of plants that are rarely found elsewhere on Flores. Besides pine trees, there are also ferns, plant genus Casuarina, redwood and edelweiss flowers. Pine forests flourished at the height of Mount Kelimutu. Another area of ​​barren mountain with sand and soil that is not stable. Local people believe that Kelimutu is Kramat mountain and a source of fertility to the soil around it.

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