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Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Weapons of chopsticks Dayak Hunt at a Time of War

Chopsticks are one of the weapons used by the Dayak. In addition to hunting, chopsticks into a tool of war. Terms of use chopsticks or sipet has its own advantages as it can be used as a long-range weapon and not destroy nature because natural ingredients making. And one of the advantages of chopsticks or sipet has shot accuracy can reach 218 yards or about 200 meters.

Judging from the shape of chopsticks, chopsticks have a spherical shape and has a length of between 1.5 to 2 meters, about 2-3 inches in diameter. At the end of the chopsticks are processed shoot targets such as small shells like a diamond the size of 3-5 inches. At the center of the hole in the place masuknyadamek chopsticks (chopsticks kids). At the top of the chopsticks rather shoot targets on the front mounted a spear or sangkoh (in Dayak). Sangkoh stone mountain and tied with woven uei (rattan).

Type of wood commonly used to make wooden chopsticks are generally looking, ironwood or tabalien, plepek wood, and wood resak. Not to forget also Tamiang or lamiang, a type of bamboo that is small, segmented long, hard, and contain toxins. Not everyone has the expertise in making chopsticks or sipet. On the island of Borneo alone only a few tribes who have expertise in the manufacture of chopsticks, the Ot Danum Dayak tribe, Punan, Apu Kayan, Bahau, Spot, and Dayak tribes Sand.

In the process of making chopsticks or sipet done in two ways, first hand skill of the maker. The second way, is to use the power of nature by harnessing the power of the water flow cascade is made into a kind of grinding mill rice. The selling price of chopsticks or sipet determined by customary law, that is equal to or due halamaung Jipen ije taheta.
According to the beliefs or sipet chopsticks Dayak tribe should not be used to kill people. Chopsticks or sipet only be used for daily use, such as hunting. Sipet or abstinence is not allowed to be trampled let alone cut with a machete because if it is done in contravention of customary law, which could lead to the perpetrators will be prosecuted in a traditional meeting.

In colonial times of yore in Borneo, Dutch soldiers armed with rifles with cutting-edge technology of the day, while the Dayak warriors generally rely chopsticks. However, the Dutch soldiers were far more than the fear of children chopsticks Dayak warriors hit by bullets. That makes undaunted the colonists was poisoned child chopsticks. Before leaving to the battlefield, soldiers Dayak smearing eyes chopsticks with wormwood tree or tree sap iren. In silence, they shot an action called damek chopsticks.

Without knowing where his opponent, suddenly one Dutch soldier collapsed, making the rest of his colleagues who are still alive scuttled. Even if had responded with gunfire, the impact of hot lead was far disproportionate to the enormity of the children chopsticks toxic.

Less than five minutes after the child chopsticks stuck on any body part, the Dutch soldiers were initially seizure-awning will die. In fact, it could be in a matter of seconds they were lifeless. Meanwhile, if the Dayak soldiers shot and not the important part, live bullets removed. Having cared for a few weeks, they were ready to fight back. Country boy Dayak struggle against the Dutch colonialists apparently no less heroic fighter who allegedly used the stakes to memerdekan country Indonesia. Chopsticks become one of the typical weapon that can be part of history is not forgotten. So this time, skill menyumpit become a popular sport in the Kalimantan region.


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