Mount Rinjani Indonesia
Towering over the north of the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Mount Rinjani with a tallness of 3726 meters is the second most astounding fountain of liquid magma in Indonesia.
Beautiful Blue Beaches in Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is an area in the territory of West Papua. Raja Ampat has four principle islands of around 600 islands, specifically Pulau Waigeo, Misool Island, salawati, and Batanta Island.
Renggong horse, dancing horse when Ronggeng
Art is already known since the 1880's in the village Cikurubuk, Fruit District Two, District Sumedang. Formerly known as the art is a means Igel horse horse dancing.
Weapons of chopsticks Dayak Hunt at a Time of War
Chopsticks are one of the weapons used by the Dayak. In addition to hunting, chopsticks into a tool of war. Terms of use chopsticks or sipet has its own advantages as it can be used as a long-range
Beauty of Lake Kelimutu
Kelimutu National Park is the smallest national park of six National Parks in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. However, his size is not so important when you see the natural beauty of this national park has to offer.
Minggu, 13 Januari 2013
The meaning behind the barong dance

Renggong horse, dancing horse when Ronggeng

Weapons of chopsticks Dayak Hunt at a Time of War

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013
Temple In Hokiong

Papeda. Papua peaceful

Sensation Sago Worm

Dondai charm, Sentani charm
Rabu, 09 Januari 2013
Ganda Bread, Siantar typical legendary bread

Dayak Rituals Muang Rabokng

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013
Lake Kakaban, jellyfish lake in the world's most unique

Natural Exotica Biroro Waterfall

Beauty of Lake Kelimutu