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Mount Rinjani Indonesia

Towering over the north of the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Mount Rinjani with a tallness of 3726 meters is the second most astounding fountain of liquid magma in Indonesia.

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

The meaning behind the barong dance

Indeed the island to save a myriad of unique art, culture and traditions are still adhered to and implemented to date. Not only to maintain their cultural roots, but also as an entertainer travelers who traveled to the island of Bali. Many attractions including dance art that has a positive purpose and philosophy behind the dynamism of motion. One of them is the Barong Dance. Dances derived from pre-Hindu culture treasures illustrate the struggle...

Renggong horse, dancing horse when Ronggeng

Maybe we are familiar from abroad watch the circus that uses animals as the main star. But you know in Indonesia action "circus" is the traditional use of animals there are already more than 100 years ago?. Precisely in the city of Sumedang, West Java, we can see the horse - a horse trained to dance and even martial arts compete with traditional musical accompaniment like a circus show. The show was known for its arts Renggong horse. Art is already...

Weapons of chopsticks Dayak Hunt at a Time of War

Chopsticks are one of the weapons used by the Dayak. In addition to hunting, chopsticks into a tool of war. Terms of use chopsticks or sipet has its own advantages as it can be used as a long-range weapon and not destroy nature because natural ingredients making. And one of the advantages of chopsticks or sipet has shot accuracy can reach 218 yards or about 200 meters. Judging from the shape of chopsticks, chopsticks have a spherical shape and...

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Temple In Hokiong

Starting from the demands of quality of life, better yet, a group of Chinese from Fujian Province - China, migrated across the ocean with a simple wooden boat. Lost in a limbo, they pray to God Kie Ong Ya, who was on board so presumably they will be given a guide toward the shore. Shortly thereafter, the silence of the night suddenly they see a faint light. Where there is a fire, thinking that's where there is land, eventually they follow the...

Papeda. Papua peaceful

Papua is covered with loads emang sago. Hence, the typical food Papua sago. . Well, its an important food sago. Sago can be processed so many kinds of food, one Papeda. Is Papeda it? Yes the food is made ​​from sago. So, Papeda was made of sago mixed with hot water, stirring until the water is pretty, just not be stopped, because if ngaduknya stop, sagunya so hard. The result was later sagunya be shaped glue, not too soft and not too hard....

Sensation Sago Worm

Papua not only had sago or papeda. Papua also has a unique super food that's brilliant. His name sago worm. Jeng jeng jeng. Can not imagine the shape? Yes like caterpillars. Tau's caterpillar, the usual course of ngglesor-ngglesor (what try Indonesian language?). Well, the color of the caterpillar's head, while black and white body. Her body was slightly overweight, "ginuk-ginuk" that the word of the Javanese. Ha ha ha. Why is this worm called...

Dondai charm, Sentani charm

Dondai is a village located in other parts of Sentani. The trip to the village Dondai can be reached from the village of Old Doyo motor boat ride. Not very far anyway. Approximately one hour's. Well, the way this is oath-okay-really-so-that-the-Sentani-ye-shall-really-into-dondai!!!! We also split the Sentani lake boat ride so. Hair fluttering, if the wear hijab, the head scarf fluttering yes. Bulging eyes, gaping mouth, was so impressed by the same scenery around. Not forgetting jeprat-snap in some placeswhile tetep gaping hell. Abis cool,...

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Ganda Bread, Siantar typical legendary bread

Located at No 89 Jalan Sutomo Siantar, this bakery increasingly crowded by the buyer, Bakery has been open for decades know, and still use the traditional way, the batter just do not use preservatives, therefore the results produced bread shop Dual bread is fairly soft and dense. Not only are the famous bread bargaining, Serikaya produced at this bakery famous arguably also know, serikayanya texture is thick and has a distinctive flavor are...

Dayak Rituals Muang Rabokng

As an air-indigenous communities and upholding and respecting traditional values ​​inherent in the life of the Dayak community, especially the Dayak community in Subarang Badameo Garantungk Sakawongk Nyarumkop. One form of concrete rather than existence is still believed to be indigenous is to ask the ancestors to be an activity that will be carried out which involves a lot of people with a common goal can be run as expectations are packaged...

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Lake Kakaban, jellyfish lake in the world's most unique

Kakaban has an area 774.20 ha, while the lake on it about 390 ha. At first Kakaban island is an atoll with a lagoon in the middle of the reef formed over 2 million years ago. Then came the appointment atoll is as high as 50 feet above the sea surface through geological processes over thousands of years. The sea water is then trapped in a lagoon and a lake. Eventually the lake water hardness changes, becoming more tasteless than the surrounding...

Natural Exotica Biroro Waterfall

The waterfall is located in the village Biroro Biroro Bontolerung village, District High Muzzle, Gowa regency. The distance is about 2 KM from the town of Malino. The road to this area is quite difficult because of the many access roads rise and fall and road conditions are perforated so should be careful if you drive up to this place. Waterfalls distance from the access road about 200 meters. We have to walk to get to the waterfall. On the...

Beauty of Lake Kelimutu

Kelimutu National Park is the smallest national park of six National Parks in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. However, his size is not so important when you see the natural beauty of this national park has to offer. Here there are three lakes located on top of Mount Kelimutu, three lakes have the same name and popularly known as the Lake Kelimutu. Each lake has colors and their meanings. The three lakes are believed to be the abode of spirits and also...

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